The Apprentice 1.jpg
感覺節目有點像是「Survivor」跟「The Amazing Race」的綜合體,
最後的二位參賽者,個人是比較傾向看 Amy 大戰 Bill,
老實說我看不出來 Kwame 有什麼特質,Nick 根本只是紙老虎一隻,
不過可惜 Amy 在與川普旗下大將面試這個階段就被陶汰了,其實這是挺糟的篩選最後入圍者方式,
值得安慰的是 Amy 在節目上已經受到絕多數參賽者的肯定了,
就連川普自己都說:「那不用再比賽,我直接選 Amy 就好了。」 或「你們給 Amy 太多權利了。」
如果第二季會有第一季的人員回歸的話,那我還真想看到 Amy 呢。
Bill  的突發狀況是:廣告廠商的看板消失了 + 霜凍問題,
Kwame 的突發狀況是:組員背叛 + 歌手臨時調整行程 + 早餐延遲 + 歌手被帶走,
我特別想提的是 Kwame 被開除的原因-Omarosa 的叛變,
相當疑惑為何 Omarosa 會故意說謊,因為她想報復?而且還是在電視節目上!
如果我是老闆,八成不會想雇用像 Omarosa 這種人吧,
或許可以從字裡行間裡找到川普成功的密訣,Let us see ...

1-01 "Location, location, location " 地點,地點,地點

I've always felt location is important, but the people behind the deal are much more important than location. I'd much rather have a really smart, talented guy... doing a deal in a not-so-good location...than an idiot doing a deal in a great location. Because you'll make money every time.


1-02  "Don't Negotiate With Underlings " 別與下屬發生衝突

Making deals can be tough. I learned at a young age that you have to deal with the boss. It's very simple. Deal with the boss wherever possible.


1-3  "The Art Of the Deal" 談判的藝術

Negotiation is a very, very delicate art. Sometimes you have to be tough. Sometimes you have to be as sweet as pie. You never know. It depends on who you're dealing with. I've always said that negotiation is not really learned. It's almost innate. It's in the genes. A negotiator is born.


1-4  "A Deal's a Deal" 重視每筆交易

Once you make a deal with someone,it's really important to carry it through. You start developing the wrong reputation, it makes it impossible to make future deals. Once you shake hands,that should be it.


1-5  "Stand Up For Yourself" 為自己辯解

You've always gotta stand up for yourself. You just have to fight for yourself, because basically nobody else is gonna fight for you.


1-6  "Know What You're Up Against" 懂得自己面對的處境

Negotiation is a very, very delicate art. The big thing in negotiation is to try and figure out your opponent. Otherwise,you're going to look like an idiot and lose big.


1-7 "God is in the Details" 上帝就在細節裡

Many times,you hear the expression that "God is in the details." When people come in to buy something,especially very rich people, they see details. If something's wrong, they see it, and it reflects in the price.


1-8 "Beggars Can't Be Choosers" 有求於人的人無法談條件

Never beg when you're trying to sell something. If it doesn't work out, take your lumps and relax. But you'll never sell through the begging route.


1-9  "You've Gotta Believe" 你必須相信

You've gotta believe in what you're selling. If you don't believe it - If you don't really believe it yourself, it'll never work. It'll never sell, and you're gonna be miserable.


1-10 "Think Outside The Box" 要有創造性的思考

I think we're gonna have a very, very substantial portion of this building leased before we start construction. Thinking outside of the box... is something that is very much of a cliche. But if you really wanna be successful, that's how you're gonna have to do it.


1-12 "It's Easier to Think Big" 把目標放大相當容易

It's always been easier for me to think big. It was always easier for me to attract the money and the capital...than it would be if I did a small job someplace that nobody cared about and nobody wanted to finance.


1-13 "Passion" 熱情

You cannot be successful without passion. If you don't love what you're doing, if you don't have passion for it, forget it. Do something else. You'll be much more successful, and you'll lead a lot happier life.


1-14 "Dog Does Not Eat Dog" 同類不相殘

The greatest thing that can happen to a businessman or to surround yourself with talented people...who also happen to be loyal. You never know what makes a loyal person. And guess what? If they're not loyal to you one time, don't give them a second chance,because they won't be loyal to you the next time.



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